
Danang Information Technology Park (DITP) 

Developer:  Danang IT Park Development JSC.
Location: Hoa Lien, Hoa Vang District, Danang City, Vietnam
Total Area: 341ha 
Phase 1: 131ha and 47 million
Phase 2: 210ha and 74 million USD 
Total capital Investment: 121 million USD
Developmnet target: To develop a high-tech community modeling after the Silicon Valley in the United States and the Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan. 
At present, the following companies show  interest in joining Danang IT Park: IBM, Cisco, Intel, KDDI, Mitsui, NTT Data, Japanese firms, US and local Software & IT companies.
Vision: A t Da Nang, DITP will be one of the best IT Park in Southeast Asia, modeling after the Silicon Valley.

Location map

DITP is located in Northwestern Economic Development, Da Nang, 20 minutes drive from the city center. It is easy to access the Centre Business District, Airport, Seaport, Universities and Local attractions

DITP connects with industrial parks, international airport, international seaport, residental area via main routes including
+Da Nang - Quang Ngai Expressway
+Extended Nguyen Tat Thanh Street
+Future BRT and shuttle-bus routes
+Furture Lienchieu International Seaport

Why Da Nang IT Park?

Da Nang is the largest human resource training center in Central and the third in Vietnam. Annual new graduates from training and education organizations: 44.227 students Da Nang's workforce, accounting for more than 70% of the population, is young, dynamic, diligent and well-trained.

Area Map

  • Tuyến đường Nguyễn Tất Thành với hệ thống xe buýt đưa đón từ Trung tâm Thành phố
  • Tuyến đường cao tốc đầu tiên và duy nhất nối DITP với khu công nghệ cao và DITP giai đoạn 2, tham gia vào cụm khu công nghệ cao
  • Tuyến đường cao tốc Đà Nẵng - Quãng Ngãi
  • Hệ thống xử lí nước thải

Master plan

Master  plan scale 1/500 DITP

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1-1 D1-2 D2-1 D2-2 D3 D4 D5 D6 E1 E2 E3 E4 DV1 DV2 DV3 DV4 DV5 DV6 DV7 DV8 DV9 DV10 G1 HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 HH6 Detail
Artist rendering and signage

Artist rendering and signage

Building Danang IT Park to be one of the best IT development communities in Asia at Danang city following the Sillicon Valley model of US

Total area: 341 ha, icluding 2 phase

Phase 1:

131 ha, completely finished, ready for investment purpose and be approved to be the Concentrated IT Park at the Decision No 27/QĐ/TTg on date 6th,January,2020.

Phase 2:

210 ha, expected to be constructed in 5 years (2020 – 2025) 


Functional planning

It Production/Manufacturing Area; R&D, incubator; Consultant service; Residential Area; Center Area including: Office, Convention Center,Showroom...; mixed - used and Business
Revenue from house for rent: Villas area.

Includes :

  • D2-1 area includes 43 houses for rent
  • D2-2 area includes 21 houses for rent
  • D2-3 area includes 18 houses for rent
  • D2-4 area includes 12 houses for rent
  • Parking lot, public area facilities
Apartment area

The apartment area includes 4 buildings with 404 rooms for rent, as below:

  • 1 bedroom type: 140 rooms 
  • 2 bedrooms type: 178 rooms 
  • 3 bedrooms type: 86 rooms 
Sports Park E3

E3 area includes:

  • Club sport with 1 floor scale, 
  • Total area is 780 m2, 02 tennis courts with 540 m2 area,
  • Public swimming pool with 1319 m2 area. 
Clubhouse Area : E1
  • Clubhouse Area: E1
  • Clubhouse has 2 floor for rent with total area is 5.126m2
  • 1st Floor: Foodcourt, food and cuisine. Total area is 2.616 m2 
  • 2nd Floor: total area is 2.510 m2, including commercial floor with 1.251 m2 and the others is outside yard used for business purpose. 
Thuy Ta House: E2
Thuy Ta House has 2 floor scale with total area is 327 m2.

Human resources development

Da Nang's workforce, accounting for more than 70% of the population, is young, dynamic, diligent and well-trained
Qualification of workforce in Da Nang (2015)

University, college graduates


Technical workers


Professional secondary school graduate



Forecast of workforce qualifications in Da Nang by 2020

University, college graduates


Technical workers


Professional secondary school graduate



Infrastructure & Utilities


The coordinated transportation system with 30-40m wide Central road and the 15,5m wide grid roads in functional area.

- Danang IT Park connects with the main route:
• Da Nang – Quang Ngai Expressway
• Extended Nguyen Tat Thanh Street
• Future BRT and Shuttle-bus routes
• Lien Chieu International Seaport

Power supply

Power supply

Using the power source from the 110kV transformer station in High-tech Park and the power solar system at manufaturing area.

Water supply

Water supply

The water source from Danang water supply system and from Hoa Trung Lake water manufactory.

Drainage system

Drainage system

Be designed in seperated directions, including rainwater drainage and wastewater drainage. These two systems are connected to the common drainage system in area.

Wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment

Wastewater must be treated by the main wastewater treatment system of Danang High-tech Park and Danang IT Park’s wastewater treatment manufactory.

Information and communication technology

Information and communication technology

International direct-dial telephone, facsimile, boardband and data transmission services, 48 Fo fiber optic facilities.

Incentives & supports

Tax Incentives

Incentives from the Developer: Free land lease depending on the type, size of investment and time from 5 to 45 years.

Import duty exemption for equipment and machinery imported as fixed assets of project and spare pans and components attached thereto.

Export duty exemption for information technology products and services.

Information technology enterprises may enjoy business income tax incentives for a period 15 years (can be up to 30 years), in which the corporate income tax rates are as follow:

Duration Incentives Applied rate
First 4 years after making profit Tax exemption 0%
Next 9 years 5%
Remaining 2 years 10%
After incentive duration period As regular 20% - 22%


Duration Applied rate
Projects on information technology research and development, IT incubation, IT enterprise incubation or IT human resources training Exemption 100% in first 02 years
Reduction 50% in next 03 years
Projects on manufacturing products applied in Group VI-Supporting products for hi-tech industry in the list of those priorities for development as regulated by the Vietnamese Government. Reduction 50% in 02 years


Administrative procedures: Support investors in the execution of administrative procedures under one-stop shop service and administrative fee.

Clearance: DITP is opened the clearance point.

Immigration and residence procedures: Support foreign investors and their families to extend temporary residence, issurance of visas and temporary residence cards and offer favourable conditions in residence and leasing houses in DITP.

Attraction of qualified human resources: Support enterprises in seeking, recruiting and training human resources as well as with domestix training institutes for recruitment of excellent students if required.

Loans: Support investors in access to financial organizations for loans according to the regulations of Vietnamese law