Incentives & Supports

Tax Incentives

Incentives from the Developer: Free land lease depending on the type, size of investment and time from 5 to 45 years.

Import duty exemption for equipment and machinery imported as fixed assets of project and spare pans and components attached thereto.

Export duty exemption for information technology products and services.

Information technology enterprises may enjoy business income tax incentives for a period 15 years (can be up to 30 years), in which the corporate income tax rates are as follow:

Duration Incentives Applied rate
First 4 years after making profit Tax exemption 0%
Next 9 years 5%
Remaining 2 years 10%
After incentive duration period As regular 20% - 22%


Duration Applied rate
Projects on information technology research and development, IT incubation, IT enterprise incubation or IT human resources training Exemption 100% in first 02 years
Reduction 50% in next 03 years
Projects on manufacturing products applied in Group VI-Supporting products for hi-tech industry in the list of those priorities for development as regulated by the Vietnamese Government. Reduction 50% in 02 years


Administrative procedures: Support investors in the execution of administrative procedures under one-stop shop service and administrative fee.

Clearance: DITP is opened the clearance point.

Immigration and residence procedures: Support foreign investors and their families to extend temporary residence, issurance of visas and temporary residence cards and offer favourable conditions in residence and leasing houses in DITP.

Attraction of qualified human resources: Support enterprises in seeking, recruiting and training human resources as well as with domestix training institutes for recruitment of excellent students if required.

Loans: Support investors in access to financial organizations for loans according to the regulations of Vietnamese law